Ordering the Cosmos

Solo show at Arts at Stowe


Introductory text:

‘Charles Ogilvie, artist is a graduate of the Ruskin School at Oxford University and the Sculpture department at the Royal College of Art. He has recently completed a PhD exploring the connections between alchemy, culture, and complex science through the lives and oeuvres of ‘outsider’ scientists.

Daniel Crow studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge and completed his PhD in theoretical physics at Imperial College. His current research focuses on the mathematical treatment of whole systems methods in global energy modelling.

Charles Ogilvie and Daniel Crow started collaborating when Charles was studying sculpture at the Royal College of Art and Daniel was studying for his PhD in Theoretical Physics at Imperial College. Quickly realising their shared scepticism of the sometimes illustrative and one-sided engagement between their two fields, they agreed to collaborate on a new work to critique this rapidly proliferating inter-disciplinary trope. Ordering the Cosmos is a record of over five years of collaborative work between the two, and other works by the artist on similar themes, including work shown at the Max Planck Institute in Dresden, the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University, and a new work, Constancy, produced for this show. ‘

Account of our collaboration here

Works included (linked):

The Renormalized 4-Vertex at one-loop and drawing of The Renormalized 4-Vertex at one-loop by the artist (see reverse) (2012)

Taxonomic Cyanotypes (2012)

Pi Vessel (2014)

Circling the Square (2015)

A Reflection on the Higgs Boson (2015)

The Principles of Collision (2016)

2D/3D/4D Klein Blue Bottle (2016)

and new works:

Constancy (2017)

Native/Non-Native (2017)